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Covering Sports cars & Supercars

The Design of Speed

Bugatti Chiron

📸: Photo courtesy

This one has to be near the top of the list of unforgettable faces, and not just because of the alphabetical order! Bugatti's Chiron is the master of excess: excessive power, excessive speed, excessive cost... and excessive headlights! Although to be completely fair, considering how fast this vehicle can travel, it is wise to put as much luminance firepower on the front as possible. The Chiron can probably outrun it's headlights!

Bugatti also has an excess of radiators and heat exchangers to cool the 1500 horsepower beast: a total of 10 are employed in the cooling system.

📸: Photo courtesy

This angle and color shows the central spine running down the bonnet, as well as the creases along the tops for the fenders.

Four people are given credit for this marvelous design: Achim Anscheidt, Sasha Selipanov, Etienne Salom and Frank Heyl.

📸: Photo courtesy

The stylings of the Chiron are closely reflected in its predecessor, the world-conquering Veyron. But the Chiron has more... everything.

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